The Secret to Getting the Best Moist Brisket at PoK-e-Jo’s

Posted by on Sep 6, 2019 in Barbecue

PoK-e-Jo's Barbecue Austin Texas

I was lunching with owner PoK-e-Jo’s owner Danny Haberman last week and I remarked about how tasty the moist brisket was. Then Danny gave me a tip.

Each morning around 11, Pitmaster Demetrio brings out the latest briskets from the smoker. So head over to the Brodie Oaks store at that time and ask for Demetrio. Tell him Danny Haberman said to ask for the “good stuff.”

I tried this today and was rewarded with some truly excellent moist brisket: marbled and oozing with tenderness and flavor. Man, what a great piece of advice!

This is not to say that asking for the good stuff in any way diminishes all their briskets … it’s just a timing thing:)


PoK-e-Jo’s Smokehouse Brodie Oaks location:

Brodie Oaks:
4109 S Capital of Texas Hwy
Austin, TX 78704

Other locations include Great Hills, Hancock, and Parmer Lane