Rating Zagat Since the Google Purchase

Posted by on Sep 18, 2013 in Cuisine, Rob On Cuisine

Zagat and Michelin used to to be among the stuffiest and most pretentious restaurant guides around. Michelin still pretty much is. But Zagat, after the recent purchase by Google has, in my opinion, become more approachable and more useful.

The likelihood of dining at a 3-star Michelin restaurant for the average American is unlikely at best. That’s because they’re mostly in NYC, and have an impossibly long wait list.

Zagat, on the other hand, seems to have benefited from the Google association. You can actually read about chefs and restaurants in Austin and other Texas cities. You can read about the new restaurant Tyson Cole is planning, about how Amy’s is going to open a bakery and other cool stuff. The Zagat of 10 years ago? Fuggadaboudit as food fan Tony Soprano used to say. But I like the new Zagat. Worth a read.

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