Did Restaurant Indifference Contribute to the Biker Shooting in Waco?

Posted by on May 18, 2015 in Heard On The Street, News

According to Waco police, the violent biker melee which erupted Sunday in and out of Twin Peaks restaurant and left nine killed could have been prevented had restaurant officials been more cooperative.

The jist of this is that the Waco chain restaurant has a regular Thursday “biker night” and openly caters to the area biker gangs. Police have contacted the national offices of Twin Peaks about their concerns, but no formal dialogue had been established.

Of course, now, in an effort to distance itself from the malignant Waco operation, Twin Peaks corporate has revoked the Waco franchise.
Talk about too little too late?

The statement released by one of the Waco directors is borderline pathetic. Twin Peaks knew where their bread was buttered and went out of its way to accommodate local bikers. To then turn around and express outrage, and then sympathy over the incident is complete nonsense. And don’t tell me corporate didn’t have knowledge of the financial profile of the Waco chain.

This entire thing stinks to the high heavens and illustrates the blatant disregard Twin Peaks had for the Waco dining community.

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