Tipping on Wine: The Argument Rages On

Posted by on Mar 3, 2014 in Rob's Blog

I have been writing for this web site for 12 years and one constant thread of disagreement among area foodies is whether or not or how much to tip on wine when wine represents a larger part of the total bill than the food.

It’s been simple for me. I’ll tip 20% on the total bill when the wine is $400 per bottle or less. Suppose I hit the lottery and order a vintage Harlan Estates at a price far north of $400. Most readers have suggested that if it’s just the one bottle and it winds up representing 80% of the bill, then a tip reduction on the part of the tab that represents the wine may be appropriate. Of course the tip on the food portion would still merit 20% or more.

Others say it depends on how many bottles were ordered and how much discussion, description, and personal care went into the opening of each bottle. Yet I’ve even seen sommeliers disagree on this subject.

And some patrons say they don’t tip on wine period, regardless of cost. That to me is flat out silly and cheap. Your server is performing an important function to enhance the joy of your meal. I don’t care if you’re ordering French table wine or Caymus Special Selection. Up to the point I suggested, the wine deserves the full 20% or more tip.

What say ye? info@diningoutwithrobbalon.com

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